Filling Their Baskets with Books

Josie Leavitt - March 30, 2010

It’s not just children who love the Easter Bunny. images.jpgAs  a bookseller, I’ve come to love the retail pop we get from this springtime holiday. The Easter holiday lends itself to bright displays of colorful books. After a long winter, an Easter that falls early in spring is just the lift we all needed. Many families in our area don’t give the kids Easter candy, rather they give stacks of books. And I love them for this. Sure, kids love candy, but frankly, I think getting a basket of books is a far better idea than massive amounts of sugar first thing in the morning. Once the candy’s gone, there’s nothing left but an unpleasant sugar crash. Books last forever and they can create traditions that mean more than one more candy egg.
Over the weekend the store was full of parents surreptitiously hiding — in some cases, actually hurling — books at me to hide and wrap before the kids found out. Wish lists get filled out with vigor, knowing that wishes might get granted long before birthdays roll around.
Setting up Easter displays involves the usual Easter books, but we like to add an actual basket or two filled with great book suggestions for all ages. The baskets are overflowing with yummy books for all ages, books, like Understood Betsy (a classic Vermont book), D’Aulaire’s Book of Greek Myths, Mr.Popper’s Penguins, Hatchet, The Great Brain, George and Martha, oh, the list goes on.  It’s just so much fun.
There’s less retail frenzy than the Christmas season, and I enjoy this pace more. Folks seem more thoughtful about selecting books and this pleases me. I find Easter is a great time for sharing childhood favorites with the children in your life.
So, hop on down to your local indie, and  fill their baskets with books.

3 thoughts on “Filling Their Baskets with Books

  1. Peni Griffin

    She’s not referring to Easter with that phrase; she’s referring to the direct effect Easter has on her store. Larger, more complex meanings of Easter are a little OT for a bookselling blog, don’t you think?

  2. Josie Leavitt

    I didn’t mean to offend anyone by saying “retail pop” in reference to Easter. I know that the holiday is very important and means more than just selling books. I meant it like I would use the phrase the holiday season at Christmastime. Perhaps I should have the Easter season, instead.


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