What’s on Your Nightstand?

Josie Leavitt - November 5, 2009

I’m curious what everyone is reading right now. Currently I’m reading two books: The Maze Runner and The Demon’s Lexicon. I don’t normally read this much fantasy, especially concurrently, but both of these are extremely compelling and I can’t bear not to read a little of each every night; they speak to different audiences who I think will enjoy them as much as I am. My current challenge is to not leap ahead into the spring 2010 galleys, although they look very yummy. I’m trying to get ready for the holidays by reading some gems that I might have missed.

As we are approach the heart of the fourth quarter, I find myself eyeing my shelves thinking about what I can actively sell to all the various gift purchasers shopping in my store. I know what my favorites are: Wintergirls, The Lion & the Mouse, School of Fear, Once Was Lost, the new Mysterious Benedict Society, The Julie Andrews’ Poetry Collection… the list could go on and on.

So, what’s in your bag, e-reader, or on your bedside table? And, what can’t you wait to handsell to gift purchasers this holiday season?

41 thoughts on “What’s on Your Nightstand?

  1. Reka

    I’m in the middle of A Brief History of Montmaray and can barely stand to put it down and get ready for work in the mornings. It’s been compared to I Capture the Castle, which I thought must be marketing hype–how could anything else be that good? But I am absolutely in love with Montmaray thus far . . .


    The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart The Evolution of Calpurnia Tate by Jacqueline Kelly A Season of Gifts by Richard Peck Al Capone Shines My Shoes by Gennifer Choldenko The amount of books in my stack magically remains the same, no matter how much I read!

  3. GenShine

    Once Upon a Twice by Denise Doyen, Catherine Called Birdy by Karen Cushman, Home of the Brave by Katherine Applegate, The Year the Swallows Came Early by Kathryn Fitzmaurice, and The Bones by Seth Greenfield. My nightstand is crowded. I can’t see my clock!

  4. Jill Barton

    Oh! I LOVE LOVE LOVE Demon’s Lexicon! One of the best in the burgeoning (dare i say overcrowded?) paranormal/urban teen fantasy genre. I’m about to start reading the manuscript of the 2nd Strange Angels series by St. Crow–another favorite. I’ve also recently finished Once Was Lost–Sara Zarr is the best (fairly) new writer of realistic fiction for teen girls, imo.

  5. Carol Hinz

    Charles and Emma: The Darwins’ Leap of Faith by Deborah Heiligman and Reading Lolita in Tehran by Azar Nafisi. I’m a bit nonfiction fan, but it is unusual for me to be reading two nonficiton titles simultaneously.

  6. Miriam

    I have 100 pages left of The Last Olympian. I know, I know, I’m a year behind the times. Next up is either The Minister’s Daughter by Julie Hearn or Envy by Anna Godbersen.

  7. Michelle T

    I am reading Going bovine by Libba Bray and Ysabel by Guy Gavriel Kay and just getting ready to start Soul Eater by Michelle Paver. Not sure abour going bovine yet, but I am enjoying The Chronicles of Darkness Series by Paver a lot.

  8. Pam G.

    I just finished listening to the audio of Shiver, by Maggie Stiefvater– a “deliciously chilling” romance, and two great cross over adult books with teen appeal. Mutiny: a Novel of the Bounty by John Boyne (Boy in the Stiped Pajamas) is a fabulous seafaring adventure, and Sometimes We’re Always Real Same Same by Mattox Roesch is a great city gangbanger moves to tiny native Alaskan village where he learns about life, love and growing up tale. Right now I’m 50 pages from finishing Fire, by Cashore, and wishing her next book were ready! I may have to check it out on audio for a second go round. Next up is The Miles Between by Mary Pearson. (Satisfied Sigh …)

  9. Janni

    I just finished Ice by Sarah Beth Durst — loved the mix of folklore and science, and the strong female protagonist who was true to her attachments to both.

  10. Erlene

    I finished Going Bovine and Stiches (by David Small) and am relishing Front and Center, the 3rd story of D.J. from Dairy Queen fame. It is not going to be nearly long enough for me!

  11. Linda Joy Singleton

    I’ve already read the DEMON’S LEXICON and MAZE RUNNER — both exciting, page-turners. Currently reading GHOST HUNTRESS #2. Book on my shelf which I’ll read next is: THE SHIFTER by Janice Hardy. Looks intriguing! Linda Joy Singleton SEER-DEAD GIRL series

  12. David LaRochelle

    I, too, just finished WHEN YOU REACH ME by Rebecca Stead and thought it was great. Very compelling and tied together at the end so well – I tried to stretch it out over several days so it wouldn’t be over too quickly!

  13. Joanne Fritz

    Wow. I’ve read and loved almost all of the books you all have mentioned. And I laughed out loud at Andrea’s comment about the magical stack of books. Same here. Unlike you, Josie, I couldn’t resist a look ahead at Spring 2010. I just finished reading BEFORE I FALL by Lauren Oliver. It’s fantastic! As for what I’m looking forward to hand selling this holiday season: Magician’s Elephant, Season of Gifts and Leviathan. There have been some great kids’ books this year!

  14. Jan Godown Annino

    Because I enjoyed Claire A. Nivola’s “Planting the Trees of Kenya” & other children’s books about Wangari Maathai, I’m reading the amazing Maathai’s memoir, “Unbound.” It says of her childhood : “At the time of my birth, the land around Ihithe was still lush, green, and fertile…Because rain fell regularly and reliably, clean drinking water was everywhere.” But after logging, clear-cutting and plantations established by foreign business interests, “…Hallowed landscapes lost their sacredness and were exploited…” I know from the picture books for young readers, that she inspires the women to change the landscape back. I can’t wait to read her memories how she accomplishes this miracle.

  15. Linda Austin

    Just finished Shaun Tan’s amazing graphic novel type picture books The Arrival and The Red Tree. Working on Girl in Hyacinth Blue, the new Return to Hundred Acre Wood plus The Brilliant Fall of Gianna Z with the daughter. You don’t want to see my To Read pile.

  16. Kate Messner

    I’m reading Kristin Cashore’s GRACELING right now (finally!) and loving it. Just finished Natalie Standiford’s HOW TO SAY GOODBYE IN ROBOT and Nora Raleigh Baskin’s ANYTHING BUT TYPICAL, both of which are great. Daughter (8) is reading & loving Julia Devillers’ LIBERTY PORTER, FIRST DAUGHTER, and son (13) just finished Joseph Bruchac’s MARCH TOWARD THE THUNDER. Both got high scores, too. Loving this thread, Josie – thank you! I’m adding to my IndieBound wish list with every comment.

  17. anon

    Just finished Jumped, and wow . . . just wow. Not sure how well it would sell for you, but it’s a perfect book and would be amazing for a book club discussion.

  18. Tiffany

    I’m reading Skulduggery Pleasant by Landy as part of my Vile Villains display. I’m also revisiting New Moon and will start Liar by Larbalestier tomorrow. Can’t wait to read it.

  19. Noa

    I just finished Lips Touch and am mildly obsessed. I am trying to decide between If I Stay, The Lost Conspiracy, and What I Saw and How I Lied next. So many good choices! And I have to put in an extra plug for A Brief History of Montmaray here. I positively ignored everyone I know while I was reading that–I couldn’t tear myself away!

  20. Doret

    Reading – Monstrumologist by Ricky Yancey. Loving it. Also reading Marching for Freedom by Elizabeth Partridge. -A great book, filled with amazing photographs. Just finished The Case of The Case of Mistaken Identity by Mac Barnett – Loved it. Plan on selling it like candy this season, and the same goes for Dragonbreath by Ursula Vernon. There are many great books I am looking forward to handselling this season.

  21. BookFestival

    I loved ‘The Glass Castle’ and I just finished ‘Half Broke Horses’ which I highly recommend. ‘HBH’ is about Jeannette Walls’ grandmother and explains a lot about her mother. I also love ‘Ford County’ by John Grisham.

  22. Julia DeVillers

    Jill, I’m about to start ONCE WAS LOST so you’ve pumped me up. Also up next: an ARC of INCARCERON which looks super-promising. Just finished and enjoyed GIRLS FOOD AND OTHER THINGS I CAN’T HAVE. And Kate! Please tell your daughter I’m glad she likes LIBERTY PORTER. Yay!

  23. HA

    Just finished Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Levithan–a terrific read. Am in the middle of Leviathan by Scott Westerfeld, and looking forward to Lips Touch: Three Times by Laini Taylor. To Julia DeVillers, you won’t be disappointed by Incaceron, it’s truly amazing!

  24. Sarah-GreenBeanTeenQueen

    I’m reading The Maze Runner right now as well-it’s picking up in speed and I’m really enjoying it. It had sort of a jarring start which took me a bit to get into. I’m listening to Charles and Emma on audio and even though I’m not a non-fiction fan, I’m really liking this one-I expect to see shiny award stickers on this one in Jan. And I just started Lips Touch: Three Times last night-it’s delicous and dangerous and wonderful!

  25. shelftalker elizabeth

    I would have loved School of Fear if it didn’t have so much unnecessary fat-bashing (a la the kinds of things I mentioned in the “Fat But” blog). For a similar mood and wonderful sense of humor without that, read Carolyn Coman’s marvelous MG novel, THE BIG HOUSE. Gosh, that’s a great book that didn’t get enough PR!


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