He looks a bit fragile, like a big-eyed, appealing teen from the 1970s, longish hair and army jacket not quite enough to mask the slimness of his frame. This youthful quality is partly what makes 28-year-old Nic Sheff (Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines; We All Fall Down: Living with Addiction) such an easy author for kids to relate to, but what really grabs them is his openness about his years of struggle with addiction, his recovery, relapses, and hard-won recent years of sobriety.
Before his evening visit to The Flying Pig, Sheff speaks to 150 high school students at a nearby school. He tells them how uncomfortable he had been in his own skin as a kid, and how that feeling of ugliness found a temporary (and false, numbing) relief through smoking pot. He shares with them how the desire for emotional escape led him to seek other drugs, including meth, his first experience with which made him feel like a superhero — and how he spent the next six years trying unsuccessfully to feel that way just one more time.

After years of ups and downs, progress and failures, injuries and near-death experiences, great patches of his life spent scrounging and stealing money to feed the fixes, Sheff was finally able to put all the pieces together and find a rehab program and method (including being responsible for a beloved crazy rescue dog) that has worked for him for two years now. He looks forward to his upcoming wedding this summer, and says he’s never been happier or felt more grateful for his life. And that it’s still hard, every single day.

One of our customers who came to the evening event just posted on our store’s Facebook page: “Thanks for bringing Nic Sheff to town; what an amazing human being and inspiration he is!!”
Booksellers, we wholeheartedly recommend these compelling books — and their equally riveting author — and hope you have a chance to share them with the high school teachers and librarians in your communities. Here is a young man who talks about very real issues of drug use and abuse without glamorizing them for a single second. As someone who’s been through so much and come out the other side—with the scars and ongoing challenges to show for it—he has so much to offer students who are locked in their own cages of moderate to severe self-loathing and unease. For school districts uncertain about inviting a former drug addict to speak to the kids, all I can say is, Nic Sheff is the opposite of a bad influence. He might even prove to be a life-changing speaker for some kids in need.
Awesome! I had just added his books to my TBR list last week, and this post certainly helps them swim towards the top! Sounds like an amazing event.
Thanks for posting this. I am a librarian and, just last night, saw his latest book in our local bookstore. I was undecided – my students are inner-city and low-income, but in a college-prep program. They have very similar challenges and I often look for books that will ring true to them without being sensational or having mixed messages. I obviously need to reconsider Nic’s books – they might really be a great addition to our library.
/thanks Elizabeth for this post. I, too, was skeptical about his books being “just another druggie’s experience” but i should not be so quick to judge if one of his books can get to one kid that needs help…………
Thank you for posting this. Nic is truly an inspiration to young people everywhere. I wish I were able to meet him one day.
I have read all three books and I am fascinated by your writing skills and creative ambitions. I would love to meet you some day and have you speak at a group that I work with. I work with folks in jail treatment and treatment centers in Des Moines, Iowa. I am a counselor and a parent and I acknowledge this is a real life story.
Thank you for being you!
Kelli Wulfekuhle
I have read all three of the “Sheff” books and can totally relate. I had a daughter who was a drug addict. She died from an unfortunate accident two and a half years ago. I want Nic to conquer this disease and live a good life. He has so much talent! I can’t wait to read books that he might write in the future!
my brother was an addict and it turned my life aroud yet again like a mentall ill father and a mother who abandond us wasnt enough…. but my brother and the people in the rehab inspired me to be a psycologist and help people who are addict. i just wanna say iam going into my senior year and iam so honored to read these books they helped me get over my anger with my brother and the betrayl i felt. i am proud of everyone who is in treatment because ive seen how hard it is to kick the habbit…. and if nic reads these iam proud of you most of all and never forget that your books really ease the pain in others . good luck with sobriety
Great books! Growing up as an addict myself, has helped me with my own addiction in some way! I guess his books has made me feel like I’m not the only one out there who has these problems. Nicks honesty is vary brave and compelling! I realized that We all fall down and it is ok! Thanks nick ! Hope u r Doing well man!
Tweak is a great book. The writting is so powerful that even tho I never done heroin I could almost fell and invision myself in his shoes at his low point. The book is very touching and true testament to how god works. I would to see this as a movie.