3 thoughts on “Baby Got Books

  1. Sarah

    Years ago I stopped renting out my chest, except for PEN. If Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren wears a T with my name, I will wear one of them. Once I bought in Paris an YSL Tshirt, with his name on it at the fashion museum. Closest I ever came to an original.

  2. skereigeseask

    To choose solar power or not to choose solar power? That is the question! When your electrical bill is increasing each and every month, don’t despair! There are still a few things you can do. For example, you could: * cry and pull out your hair * refuse to pay and get cut off and have no utilities * work harder and more hours each month to keep up the rising costs * invest in other alternative sources of energy to cut the electrical utility bill. One of the alternative sources of energy you should consider is solar energy. However, let’s not beat about the bush. If you do decide to choose solar power, you will need to invest some hard cash to get it started. That means putting in your own (or borrowed) money, but, don’t forget that the investment really will make a huge difference for now and many years to come. Kyocera Solar Panels


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