The Amazon Band and the DDG Corallaband™

Kenny Brechner - February 8, 2018

The potential social, economic and political utility of Amazon’s newly patented wristbands are obvious. As you may have heard, “Amazon’s proposed technology would emit ultrasonic sound pulses and radio transmissions to track where an employee’s hands were in relation to inventory bins, and provide “haptic feedback” to steer the worker toward the correct bin.” The author of the article suggests that “What may sound like dystopian fiction could become a reality for Amazon warehouse workers around the world.”  Why term it dystopian, though?

DDG Corallaband™ tester Faith Diaz reading Harry Bliss’ Grace and Gus correctly.

Earlier in the piece, she appears to establish a negative tone. “What if your employer made you wear a wristband that tracked your every move, and that even nudged you via vibrations when it judged that you were doing something wrong?”
“What if your supervisor could identify every time you paused to scratch or fidget, and for how long you took a bathroom break?” Again, why the insinuated negativity?
This developing technology has so many beneficial applications that it astonishes me to think anyone could even imagine dark implications. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have the ability to guide people into voting properly, or making the correct choice of online retailer while browsing for products? There’s nothing but positives here. Consider education. Visualize the wristband detecting, by a child’s heart rate, that she knows the right answer to a question posed in class but, overcome by undue reticence, her hand remains on the desk. Well, it no longer needs to remain there! Not with a band intervening to overcome her hesitation with a helpful stimulus. Cursive writing a lost art? Not for long!
And what of child rearing issues? Hands in the cookie jar? Never again. The positive implications are endless, and at DDG, where we pride ourselves on advanced reading applications, we have been hard at work developing our own wristbands. This makes particular sense since to optimize these bands will require interface with optical technology. For example, to ensure that a citizen votes for the right candidate will require an optical scanner working in conjunction with the wristband. DDG’s Clerr™ optical reading lens, developed in 2009 and reported here in ShelfTalker is a perfect match for the new wristband applications.
You may be wondering how a small bookstore has the funds for this kind of research and development. Rest assured, that is no issue at all.  Fortuitously I had not cleaned out my car’s loose change for an impressive length of time and given the results pictured here you can see that we are working on a level playing field with Amazon.
Our own project, the DDG Corrallaband™ relates to helping people read books properly. By ensuring that a reader’s pulse rate matches the algorithm of an ideal reading of a book, we can maximize and universalize the reading experience. This doesn’t mean that no variables will be allowed. Gone Girl readers can be allowed to experience a Nick Or Amy algorithm. The important thing is that you will be able to read without fear, secure in the knowledge that you will laugh at the right times, cry at the right times, be attracted to the right characters, and wince in pain when you should.
Now you may have heard rumors that some of our beta testing went sideways, and that banded readers of Killing the Rising Sun suffered serious injury and even death. Well I can assure you that we’ve worked all the bugs out.

Reading ‘Tumtum and Nutmeg’ without fear.

Now I know what you are thinking. Who will be controlling these wristbands worn by readers, workers, students, children and, well everybody? Will it be corporations? Will the controls be produced by Artificial Intelligence literally providing a framework for their direct control of human beings? Is it true that my positivity is itself the result of my having a beta band on my wrist which is enforcing a correct attitude about these bands?
Someone please get this thingggkk
Death would be berrtyyyuu
I can’t get this offggggh
Don;t listent to meeert
Not at all. The future is not only irresistible, it’s wonderful.

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