Meet Me at NCTE!

Alison Morris - November 13, 2007

I’ll be at NCTE Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of this coming weekend, helping Gareth introduce the English teachers of the world to his new King Lear graphic novel. Come by booth number 540 to pay us a visit, give me your ShelfTalker feedback, and share your impressions of this year’s conference! This will be my first time attending a trade show aimed at teachers, and I’m keen to see how it differs from those aimed at booksellers and/or librarians, specifically BEA and the ALA Midwinter meeting (my only library show experience to date). This will also be my first real experience working a show from the inside of a booth rather than from the aisles (which makes me sound like a trade show hooker, but you know what I mean). Publicists, marketers, sales reps—this weekend I’ll be tipping my hat to you, wondering how you flash those smiles, work that charm, and schlep those books so many weekends out of the year. Please send me your best booth survival tips. Or stop by often with chocolate.

3 thoughts on “Meet Me at NCTE!

  1. Beth Kephart

    I’m really looking forward to learning what the NCTE is like from your perspective (and hoping for some telling photos). Perhaps our paths will even cross, as I’ll be there on Sunday afternoon, on behalf of UNDERCOVER. In the meantime, may loads of chocolate come your way, and spectacularly effective survival tips.

  2. Alan Silberberg

    Hey Alison – sorry I can’t be there but I wanted to thank you for introducing me to Gareth’s Beowulf last summer- which my son has devoured and is now ready to see what Zemekis will do with it. I’ll have to get King Lear!! Enjoy the weekend. Alan

  3. Scott

    Hi Alison – great to meet you at NCTE — I was the guy in the Kids Can Press booth. Sorry I didn’t get a chance to come by your booth to meet your bf. Will you be at ALA-MW in January?


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