Looking for festive literary accoutrement for the holiday kitchen? You can wow your Thanksgiving guests with something out of the ordinary, bookish and bright. I found some great aprons — and for those of you who scoff at the old-fashionedy fussiness of aprons, I will tell you that, while I once thought aprons were only for people on, say, The Waltons, I have come to appreciate their usefulness. There is a REASON aprons were invented, people, and I think I am that reason. Well, I and people like me, people with good intentions and a touch of the klutz.
There are oodles of book-related aprons at zazzle.com, some on Etsy, and a little Googling will get you additional results. Here are a few of the goodies I stumbled upon:
And another comic-book inspired apron, this one for men:

“I will read until they tear the books from my arms. And woe betide the wretch who tries it.” from zazzle.com
A literary boxing match we might like to see:

In the “Writer Fighter” series, James Joyce and Thomas Pynchon square off. Designed by strangerstuff on zazzle.com
Proudly proclaim your prowess:
This one cracks me up. Tuck an axe in the pocket:
And finally, one for the kids:
I’ll bet some of you crafty folks have made your own book-related aprons. Anyone?